
Horn please!

As simple the Enfield is to handle, as problematic the traffic in Asia can be... at least for the novice on Indian roads. On our tour to Rajasthan we had clients without prior motorcycle experience - they handled traffic and bikes easily. On the other hand there where bikers with years of experience who had their share of troubles with the traffic. "I never thought the day will come when I prefer a working horn over a working front brake" (Quote Heinz Seidl, Namaste Tour 98)

The single one traffic rule in India seems to be: "There are no rules", but by the time some "Rules" take shape:

  1. The stronger one ALWAYS has the right of way - and he takes it!
  2. Motorcycles are NEVER the stronger ones!
  3. HORN every couple a hundred meters - and be it only to check whether the horn still works.
  4. For holy cows and other less holy animals you cannot count on the "principle of trust"
  5. Indicators are used - if used at all - in a somehow confusing way. Indicator to the right (traffic goes left here), means "overtaking is save". If they want to turn right (or left) one can be pretty sure NO indicator is used. But then again... sometimes it is the other way round!
  6. One-Way roads in India do exist BUT there is no such thing as One-Way traffic to count on! Even on multiple lane highways you HAVE to assume that at least a camel cart will approach you on the wrong side.
  7. Speed above 80 km/h is suicidal. We complete our day trips quite easily with 60km/h travel speed.
  8. Traffic on Asia´s roads is not too bad. Provided you stick to the above mentioned "traffic rules"...